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Candidate Screening

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2. Job information

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3. Job poster information

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4. Company information

Please provide the company information for your company profile.

If you already purchased a Featured Job, Video Interview or Candidate Screening credit, please insert your order ID below. If you didn't, you can go to our products page and purchase one.

Max file size 10MB.
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Company logo should be a PNG or JPG file of 500 x 500 pixels

Max file size 10MB.
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Company cover should be a PNG or JPG file of 984 x 194 pixels

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1. Order Information

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2. Job poster information

Please provide your contact information.

3. Job information

Please provide all of the job details.

4. Company information

Please provide the company information for your company profile.

5. Interview Questions

Please select up to 5 interview questions for your1-Way Video interviews.

If you already purchased a Featured Job, Video Interview or Candidate Screening credit, please insert your order ID below. If you didn't, you can go to our products page and purchase one.

Max file size 10MB.
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Company logo should be a PNG or JPG file of 500 x 500 pixels

Max file size 10MB.
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Company cover should be a PNG or JPG file of 984 x 194 pixels

If you were to take over as CEO of your current company tomorrow, and had to increase your company's current rate of growth, what three areas you would invest in?
What’s the first job you had, that's not on your resume, and what did you learn from that experience?
If you were in my shoes, what attributes would you look for in hiring for this role?
What was the last thing you nerded out on?
What are some things outside of work that you’re passionate about?
What’s one misconception your coworkers have about you?
What are you better at than most anyone else? What’s your superpower and how will you leverage that to make an impact at this company?
When was the last time you changed your mind about something important? And why did you change your mind?
What's one part of your previous company's culture that you hope to bring to your next one? What one part do you hope to not find?
How did you prepare for this interview?
What are you really good at, but never want to do anymore?
Tell me about a time you really made a mistake or failed at something. How did you handle it and how did you address the mistake?
What’s the difference between someone who’s great in your role versus someone who’s outstanding?
Tell me about a time you disagreed with a co-worker or manager. What did you do to convince him or her that you were right? What ultimately happened?
Tell me about your ideal next role. What characteristics does it have from a responsibility, team, and company culture perspective? What characteristics does it not have?
Looking back on the last five years of your career, what’s the highlight?
What’s something great about your current or previous job? Why?
Tell me about a time you took unexpected initiative. What were the results?
Among the people you've worked with, who do you admire and why?
Imagine yourself in three years. What do you hope will be different about you then compared to now?
What do you want to do differently in your next role?
Who do you go to for advice? And please provide an example
What is the toughest feedback you have ever received from a teammate or boss? And talk about the change it had.
What motivates you to go above and beyond at work? And please provide an example
What did your last boss like most about you?
What is the most helpful feedback you have ever received from a teammate or boss? And talk about the change it had.
Could you tell us about your proudest accomplishment at work this year?
Describe the best boss you’ve ever had?
Could you tell us about a challenge you had at work and how you overcame it?
How do you get people to follow you?
Chevron - Job Board X Webflow Template
Chevron - Job Board X Webflow Template
Chevron - Job Board X Webflow Template
Chevron - Job Board X Webflow Template
Chevron - Job Board X Webflow Template
Intro Video
You can upload an intro or welcome video to highlight your company or the role that you're hiring for
Max file size 10MB.
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Candidate Screening Services

The Candidate Screening service includes a Featured Job post as well as our 1-Way Video Interview service. CleverHire will then screen each of the candidates based on your job requirements and deliver you a short-list of the top 5 candidates.

To continue with your Candidate Screening service, please complete and submit the Job Posting + Video Interview form.